Monday, October 24, 2011

Podcast 36 - We got the Donate Button

Do you like what you hear?   
Donate $1, $5, whatever you can and help us continue to do what we do.
Thank you Brad!

- Emails
- Porn Stats: Hentai, Amature, Lesbian, and Up-the-Butt!
- Celeb Wrap-Up
- Sports: BLUES!!!! and... Rams, and Cards... whoo. GO BLUES!
- Pole Tax: Pay to get in, pay to get drinks, then pay a tax on dancing? Not cool.
- Drunken Stranger:
- Gender Dorms: Gay, straight, male, female, trans, etc sexes can live together in the same dorm room at this college.
- Just Axin’:
- Where’s My Drugs?: Drug dealers using GPS to track their goods. They're getting smart
- Evicting Jesus: Statue of Jeebus in a National Park is causing conflict between church and state.

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