Podcast 27 - Bullet in the Chamber
- Happy 1 Month Birthday Podcast?
- Thanks for coming on Saturday!
- Emails: Tony from Computers St. Louis says Go Cards, Come see my cousin naked, Jeremy and friends want to come to the Studio, Jobless Drew had a blast and lots of laughs.
- Celebrity Wrap-up: Dr Oz was a wild-child, Beckham/Gomez/Bieber date,
- Sports with Coach: Pujols moonshot, Announcers, Hank Williams.
- Scrotum Stabber: Man stabbed in the scrotum with a needle, which broke off inside.
- Guy with his balls split open.
- Just Axin': Cheap Razors from the Dollar Store.
- Unwanted Enima and Stealin' Porn
- Video: "Oops! Sloppy Ass Anal Sex Fail" from UselessJunk.com
- Three Things to Make a Cashier Blush
- Pot -shaped Candies: Leaf-shaped candies and bags
- Peyronis Disease Story
- Seattle Superhero: Phoenix Jones
- Talkin' bout Cheeseburgers: White Castle Crave Crate, Slingers, Stake n' Shake
Love the blog. and you guys have almost a cult following. It's amazing! - love your resident iCandy girl, the only one that followed, Tep :)